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You have the suspicion that you child might be autistic?


You are on the waitlist for an autism evaluation to have clarify if your child is autistic?


You want a proper diagnosis for your child to finally start getting your child into treatment?


You are overwhelmed with the diagnosis and are looking for support and solutions?


You are new to autism and want answers?


You are in the right place!



What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? 

Being autistic is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. 


Autism can manifest in different ways, and not all children with autism require occupational therapy. It always depends on their skill level and their needs. 


But most of the time they do.


Neurodivergent affirming, TAR- Education in Motion understands the unique strengths and challenges of individuals with autism. Discovering how autism may impact your child is a crucial step towards fostering a supportive environment. Our dedicated occupational therapists specialize in tailoring interventions that recognize and celebrate neurodiversity, providing personalized strategies to help your child not only navigate challenges but also thrive in their individual strengths and abilities.

​Each individual with autism possesses distinctive and personalized approaches to learning, movement, and attention.


Autistic individuals encompasses a diverse array of symptoms, with the understanding that most autistic individuals do not experience all of them.


Autistic individuals often represent with challenged social communication and interaction skills, and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. Embracing these individual differences is essential in fostering understanding and support for neurodivergent individuals.

Social Communication and interaction skills

​Neurodivergent children tend to socialize and play differently than neurotypical children.

However, it is not said that autistic children do not socialize at all, it just seem different to neurotypical people. Here are some example that seem different. 


  • Make little or inconsistent eye contact 

  • Seem not to listen or hear people who are talking to them or call their name

  • Have difficulty with back and forth conversations

  • Challenges sharing same interests with peers

  • Difficulty noticing social cues

  • Difficulty expressing emotions


Restricted/ repetitive behavior or interest

Repetition and routine are often very important to autistic people. It provides them with security and is calming. Here are some examples autistic individuals will often display.


  • Line up toys and other objects and get upset when order is changed

  • Show stimming behavior such as flapping hands, rocking back and forth

  • Have routines and show difficulty when routine is different or has changed

  • Repeat phrases or words over and over (Echolalia) 

Other Characteristics 

Most neurodivergent children have other characteristics as well.


  • Delayed movements skills

  • Delayed language skills

  • Difficulty with sensory processing skills

  • Hyperactive, impulsive, and /or inattentive behavior

  • Unusual sleeping and eating habits

  • Anxiety, stress, and/ or excessive worry


Autistic children can be overwhelmed by noise, light and other things in the environment. People's expectations can be disabling too. But it’s not up to autistic children to change. Rather, environments and expectations need to change to better include and embrace neurodivergent children’s differences.



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