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Sensory Integration Therapy

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Have you noticed that your child often covers their ears when it gets too loud?


Your child has a meltdown when it is time to get dressed or brush teeth?


Your child has a really hard time with transitioning between activities or when it is time to leave?


You as parents do not have any strategy how to explain or how to help your child?

All these can be early warning signs that your child does not process sensory input the way they should.

Yes, we can support you with focused parent coaching sessions to aid in your understanding and assist in the creation of home-based strategies.

What is our approach?

To find out what the parents want their kids to get better at, we work with them. Each child either sensory seeking, sensory avoiding, or both behaviors. As parent coaches, it is our responsibility to identify the systems in which your child needs support and to assist parents locate sensory techniques in their own homes. 


How do we go about doing that?


The sensory system is like a read threat, but adults need to learn how to listen and observe more carefully. Each child communicates their needs to us, and when similar observations are made in a system, we can decide what methods to apply to help your child regulate more effectively.

What is if I don't have sensory equipment for my child at home?

Play and exposure help us learn how to process our senses. As the body must adapt to the environment rather than the environment to the body, we think that any type of object can be utilized to practice sensory skills.


We use whatever is available in the house and educate you how to create a strategy to work on staying regulated. 


The importance is that you, as a parent, understand the foundation of the sensory system. 

Our job, as an occupational therapy parent coach, to empower you and gain that knowledge. 


We have you covered!

There are 8 sensory systems. How do they work?

Proprioceptive System
(body awareness) 


Assists the body to be able to grade body movements by adjusting joints, muscles and ligaments appropriately.




  • Lack of strength 

  • Very hyperactive 

  • Lack of attention

  • Can’t sit still

  • Increased pain tolerance

  • Difficulty grading strength/ body positions

  • Crash in objects, people or on the floor

  • Hypomobile joint

  • Enjoyment of deep pressure i.e pulling and pushing

Vestibular System 

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Assists the body with receiving information while moving through the environment. 




​Hyper Sensitive 

  • Gets motion sick

  • Cannot tolerate escalator/ elevators

  • Cries as baby when being moved

  • Doesn’t not move a lot

  • Avoids walking on uneven surfaces

  • Poor motor planning




Hypo Sensitive 

  • Constantly spinning/ jumping

  • Enjoying hanging upside down

  • Cannot sit still

  • Always moving

  • Never gets dizzy

  • Lack of attention

  • Delayed nystagmus

Tactile System

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Assists the body to sense and organize information

through the skin.




​Hyper Sensitive 

  • Only wears certain textured clothing

  • Avoids certain food textures

  • Gets upset when hands are dirty

  • Difficulty taking a shower/ bath

  • Avoids having hair washed/ combed

  • Avoids using lotion/ shampoo


Hypo Sensitive 

  • Messy eater

  • Always touches things

  • Enjoys playing with different materials

  • Decreased sensibility on fingers/ body 

  • Reduced temperature feeling

Auditory System


Assists the body to understand and filter noises.





  • Hypersensitivity

  • Decoding

  • Integration

  • Prosodic

  • Organizational

  • Frequent ear infections

Gustatory System


Assists the body to process taste and flavor.



  • Preferring either sour or sweet

  • Can't distinguish different flavors 

  • Can't tolerate certain flavors

Olfactory System


Assists the body to

process smell.



  • Can't distinguish different smells 

  • Can't tolerate certain smells

Visual System

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Assists the body to process what the eyes see.



  • Poor speller

  • Poor handwriting

  • Difficulty understanding concept of time

  • Enjoys hiding in dark spots

  • Confuses similar looking words

  • Letter reversal

  • Poor reading comprehension

  • Poor coping skills

  • Forgets letters, numbers, words

  • Gets upset when it’s bright

  • Enjoys watching objects that move 

  • Moving/spinning toys

  • Objects falling

Interceptive System

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Assists the body with what is going on in the inside

of the body.


  • Pain

  • Hunger

  • Thirsty

  • Stomach needs

  • Going to the bathroom

  • Internal organs

  • Feeling heart rate

  • Feeling breathing pattern

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